How We Work

It’s Simple. We meet. We Vote. We Donate.

  • Each Member commits to donating $100 per event, to a maximum of four times a year.
  • Any member may nominate a charity ahead of a meeting for consideration at an upcoming event.
  • Nominees must be a properly constituted and registered Canadian Charity serving the Southern Georgian Bay Region.
  • Events are conducted in one hour or less.
  • Each event will open with a five minute update on how the funds donated at the previous meeting were used by the recipient charity.
  • The nominating members of three randomly selected organizations or the organizations themselves will make a brief, informal presentation (no PowerPoint) about the organization to the group.
  • Each member may vote (by ballot) for one of the three charities. The charity with the most votes will be the recipient charity.
  • Each member will donate $100 to the recipient charity for a total targeted group donation of $10,000 or more.
  • Donations are typically given electronically.  In special circumstances, donations can be made by cheque.
  • Members who did not vote for the selected organization agree to make their donation regardless. Members can, of course, donate their money or time privately to the other two charities if they wish.
  • Members will receive a tax receipt directly from the charity.
  • Members who are unable to attend an event are expected to donate to the approved charity notwithstanding their inability to attend.
  • A charity not selected at one meeting may be submitted again at a subsequent meeting.
  • A recipient charity is not eligible for future consideration for a 3 year period but the nominating member may submit the name of another charity.
  • The recipient charity must agree not to give out member information to any third parties except for tax purposes.


Registration Form

Charity Nomination Form

Presentation Talking Points And Guidelines

Proxy Ballot Form

    Email Us




